Otherwise Haiku
staring off
into leafy distances
a leaf with eyes
deeper even
than memory…
the red maple
a plant opens
the Venetian blinds
to look out
weird opossum
wobbling its way home
you coat it in words
Easter t.v.
Jason Voorhees
back from the dead
the neighbor who died
you ask if it’s okay
to steal his moss
we learn the unfriendly
neighbor’s name
written word
the oasis
amid sound
feeding wild birds
feral cats too
never do pick a team
drip drip
after night rain
clean senses
deep night
while we dream our house
sleepwalks in time
fireworks explode
a hospital watches
in the dark river
biker’s funeral
his tattooist
accepts kind words
young widow
at a funeral tries to hide
her new tattoo
neighboring village
all we know of them
one floating kite
from a field
bringing home
wildflowers and spiders
an ant pauses
a probabilistic wave
cools mind
even an ant pauses
and thinks
old man’s radio
two songs at once
duke it out
chain link fence
more of the wind’s shape
each year
farm girls watch boys
rip corn open
tear silk
afterlife tides…
a dead crab
moves in the surf
mums, poinsettias,
hyacinths, geranium,
uranium, polonium
the crab
sort of faces you
sort of blue
by the time aphids
send their grandchildren to war
I’m Genghis Khan
one night
moonlight remembers
a long-dead cat
up early
all the mirrors